
Osiris Case: Upload of internship report / thesis for assessment

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If you have finished writing your thesis / internship report, you need to create a new Case in Osiris to upload the document and start the assessment process.

1. Go to Osiris Student and click on 'Cases'.

2. Click on the + button to start a new Case.

3. Click 'Internship or Thesis assessment'.

Your study programme is already filled out.  

4. Click 'Submit'.

The created Case is shown under Active Cases.  

5. Click on the Active Case you just created to be able to upload the thesis / report.

6. At the right side of your screen, you need to click 'internship / thesis data'.

A form will open. Part of the information out of your Osiris Case for the application of the internship / thesis has already been filled out. Please check whether this information (e.g. about your assessor(s)) is still correct. If not, please contact [email protected]

7. Fill in the title of your internship report / thesis and upload the report / thesis by clicking the 'Browse' button.

8. Click the 'Save' button.

9. Click the 'Completed' button.

Your internship report / thesis has now been uploaded. Your assessor(s) will receive an automatic email for evaluation of the report / thesis.

If the report / thesis has been evaluated, you will receive an email and you can find the forms in your Osiris Case.

Your first assessor will process your final grade in Osiris.

Vorige Article Osiris Case: Internship and thesis application
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