How do I start a Case for my Internship ASSESSMENT?

Updated on

This instruction shows you how to submit your Internship Report for assessment.

The terms 'internship report' and 'internship thesis' are used interchangeably. They mean the same thing.

Go to OSIRIS Case

Go to OSIRIS Student, log in and click on HOME. Then click on CASES

Clicking on My cases will take you to already running cases and allow you to start a new case.

Start a new Case

Choose Internship assessment

Fill in the case-form

Fill in the details of your Internship an click on Next

Upload your Internship report
  1. Upload your final Internship report
  2. Add the Internship title as should be listed on your diploma supplement
  3. Add Remarks (not required)
  4. And Submit
The case has been successfully submitted

Your Internship report will now be assessed according to the procedures of your degree programme.

(If you click on OK, you will go back to your Cases.)

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