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Hoe worden resultaten vastgesteld? (MED)
Updated onArticleFacultaire werkinstructies Radboud Health Academy RESULTATEN EN TOETSING
How can I upload a file with grades?
Updated onArticleOSIRIS OSIRIS Teacher - Advisor Course Participants/Registering Grades (for teachers)
How can I create an Excel list of test candidates (to import results in OSIRIS)?
Updated onArticleOSIRIS OSIRIS Teacher - Advisor Course Participants/Registering Grades (for teachers)
Hoe maak ik een pasfotolijst van de deelnemers aan mijn cursus?
Updated onArticleOSIRIS OSIRIS Docent - Begeleider Resultaten (voor docenten)
How can I add a student to a list of candidates?
Updated onArticleOSIRIS OSIRIS Teacher - Advisor Course Participants/Registering Grades (for teachers)
How can I give all students the same result in one go?
Updated onArticleOSIRIS OSIRIS Teacher - Advisor Course Participants/Registering Grades (for teachers)
How do I make a passport photo list of the participants in my course?
Updated onArticleOSIRIS OSIRIS Teacher - Advisor Course Participants/Registering Grades (for teachers)
How can I create a list of participants per working group?
Updated onArticleOSIRIS OSIRIS Teacher - Advisor Course Participants/Registering Grades (for teachers)
Opslaan formulier met testresultaten (voor ASB psychologen)
Updated onArticleOSIRIS OSIRIS Docent - Begeleider Begeleiding (voor studieadviseurs, mentoren enz.)
Hoe vul ik de resultaten in een deelnemerslijst in?
Updated onArticleOSIRIS OSIRIS Docent - Begeleider Resultaten (voor docenten)