How can I upload a file with grades?

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In the previous instruction was decribed how to create a file with candidates for a test. In the current instruction i decribed how to upload a file in which the grades are added.

Uploading a file with grades is only possible when the file is in  the MS Excel '.xlsx' format.  Also the layout of the file should be exactly the same as shown in this instruction. If it is not, the upload of the file will lead to errors. To create a file in this format and layout, see the prevous instructions.  Please note that you do not change the values in the fields in the heading of the layout (Red rectangular), for that may cause errors when the file is uploaded. Also note that cells in the  column to which the grades are added ("Grade"), does not contain  fomulas, but only has values in the cells. When this column contains formulas, uploading will cause errors.  

Adding grades to the excel file

The file you can add the grades to, looks like the above. The column "Test date" you can fill in the date of the test (see instruction on how to enter grades for the requirements the dates have to meet). In the column "Grade" you can add the grade for each candidate.

It is not required to fill in a grade for each student, you can also leave the grades for students blank if the did not (yet)  show up. You can also give canditates that did not show up the grade "ND" (So show).

If  you use an Excel function to aggregate different sections of the test you might end up with a grade consisting of decimals. OSIRIS will accept only a limited number of decimals, depending on the grading scale of the test that is set in the course. Use the Excel function "=ROUND" to round the outcome of the aggregation to the maximum number of decimals allowed for the test.  

Saving the file

After you have entered the grades in the file, you can save it on your computer. OSIRIS will create a name for the file which contains some charachteristics of the course an d test. In the example above :  "Grades_LET-CIWM437_Advisory_report19-01-2018_1422.xlsx".

Please be carefull with files containing data of students. Try to minimize the number of files you keep in your computer, and allways save files to your  personal share of the network. Do not save files to USB sticks in order to decrease the chance of a data security issue. Keep in mind that the safest place for students data is OSIRIS!

Read the file

Now that you have saved the file with the grades on the test, you can upload it by choosing the "Read file" action from the action menu.

Select the file

  1. Select the file you just saved by clicking the "Select file" button
  2. Select the file you just saved on your computer
  3. Click the button "Open"
  4. Optional you can  add the testdate (this is not obligatory, the date in the excelsheet will be uploaded)
  5. Now click the "READ FILE" button

Reading the Transaction report

After the file read process is completed, a "Transaction report" will be shown, containing the results of the read file action. It shows the following:

  1. the number of rows in the file that have caused errors of warnings.
  2. the number of rows that were processed succesfully.
  3. the total number of rows.
  4. the name of the students where an error or warning was created when reading the file.
  5. the description of the error or warning for each row.
  6. a button that allows tou to download this Transaction report with all the errors and warnings. This may come in handy when you have a large numer of errors and warnings, so you  can analyse them in excel.  
  7. Close button to close the transaction report.

Signing the gradelist

Now click on the "SIGN" button to sign the grades you just uploaded. See previous instructions.

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