How do I register grades?

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Teachers can register grades in OSIRIS Teacher. This instruction shows which actions have to be performed.

Starting screen

When entering the starting screen you will see several menu items.

  1. The menu buttons, you can switch menu with
  2. the faculty switch. If you are teacher of different faculties, you might have to switch faculties in order to find the right courses to add grades for
  3. the menu for personal settings
  4. the language switch
  5. This number indicates the number of students that have to be given a grade  
  6. This number indicates the number of pending grade lists. A grade list is a list of given grades that has to be signed in order to send it to the administration.
  7. The number indicates the number of grade-lists that are waiting for processing by the administration
  8. This badge can contain messages from the administration

To select a course to give grades, click on  the "Grades-badge" in the screen

Selecting a course to give grades

  1. You can register grades dated today or within the past (during a specific timeframe that is guided by the deadlines as mentioned in de O.E.R.s). If your test does not show, try switching this toggle to 'No'.
  2. The color bars inform you about progress made.
  3. Here you can see the numer of grades that are either not yet registered, that are pending and require additional action, or that have been completely and properly registered.
  4. Click on the test that needs grading to start the process.

Entering the grades of the candidates for the test

You can enter the grades as follows:

  1. Enter the grade. You can do so, by using the numeric part of the keyboard, the alpha-numeric part, or by using the magnifying glass icon. By using the "enter" button on the keyboard, you will jump to the next line candidate). The date of the test will be entered automatically, unless the date wasn't published yet, in that case you will have to enter it by yourself. But only on the first line, because when hitting the enter button of the keyboard,, the date of the fist line will be copied to all the next lines, so you only have to enter it once. You can deviate from the default test date as long as it is, today or a date previous of today, and the date is between the start- and end dates of the block in which the test is held. Thus it is not possible to enter a date in the future!
  2. Click after having entered the grades the "SAVE" button, if you do not want to sign the gradelist yet.   
  3. When finished entering the grades, you can also click the "SIGN" button right away without clicking the SAVE-button.

The set of grades of all candidates does not have to be complete. It is possible to sign a partial grade list. You do not have to wait with signing before every single candidate has a grade. Students that did not appear on the test, can be given the grade "ND" ("No show").

Signing the grades

The grades can be signed by clicking the "SIGN MANUALLY" button. When the grades are signed, the faculty administration has to process the grades before students will be able to see the grades in OSIRIS Student. The administration  

  1. After clicking the "SIGN" button, in the screen will appear a notification stating that "The gradelist has been created successfully for x-rows". This means that the gradelist is now electronically send to the faculty administration.
  2. Now click on the .pdf file in the browser to open the grade list. To conform the grades, you have to print a paper version of the gradelist and sign it, en send it in hard-copy to the faculty administration.  If you do not send the hard copy to the faculty administration, the grades you just entered will not be processed, and students will not be notified their obtained grades.
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