
How do I search for and filter courses?

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The Radboud University offers thousands of courses each year for dozens of programmes. Almost all of these courses can be found in OSIRIS. Therefore, it can be useful to search the course offerings using filters. This instruction explains how to do that

Go to: > Course catalog

Select the menu button in the upper left corner and choose "Course catalog".

Available in the Course catalog are:

  1. A search bar that can be used to search for (part of) the course code or the title of the course.
  2. The filters used in the current set of found courses 
  3. The number of courses found
  4. The filter button to adjust the filter settings.  

In the above situation 3241 courses were found, by searching with the search filter '2019'. To adjust the set of filters used, proceed as follows. 

Click on the filter button (4).

Adjust the filters

A section will now appear on the left-hand side of the screen where you can customise the filters. You do this by turning the checkboxes on or off. Behind each filter option, you will also immediately see how many courses the particular filter will yield. For example, you can see that currently in 2019, there are 3215 courses, but if you select 2018 in addition, 3410 courses will be added.

The following filters are available:

  • Show: In this section you can choose to show only those courses that are open for registration, or that have the test open for registration.
  • My programme: This section will show you all the mandatory and mandatory-choice courses that you will have to take for your programme. In the example above, this section is collapsed, but by clicking on the arrow behind the filter, you can expand it.
  • Academic year: Here you choose between the different academic years available. It is also possible to consult the content of courses from previous years.
  • Start in month (scroll down): The month in which the courses start.
  • Faculty (scroll down): Sshows all faculties of which courses are available.
  • Course type (scroll down): Shows all types of courses that are available.
  • Language (scroll down): Shows the language in which courses are taught.
  • Students from other faculties have access? (scroll down): shows whether students from faculties other than the one whose programme is taken, so-called 'minor subjects', are allowed to participate.
  • Lecturer (scroll down): Shows the names of all lecturers associated with one or more courses.

Search within a filter

When there are too many values to show, you can search for a specific value in the filter, such as 'Lecturers'. Click the 'More' button at the bottom of the list.

You can search by first or last name or part of it. Behind each name, the number of courses the lecturer in question is involved in, is shown in brackets. It is always possible to select more than one lecturer. The number of courses found will then be added together.  Select one or more checkboxes and click 'OK'.

The filtering above found a set of 25 courses tought by three lecturers.

What if I cannot find the course I am looking for?

In some cases, you may not be able to find a course by using the filters. This has to do with the fact that the updating of the filters takes place at night, so it may happen that there are courses that are open for registration but are not yet found in the filters. If you cannot find a course using the filters, try searching with the course code or title in the search field at the top of the screen.

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