You can log in in OSIRIS Student with your studentnumber as username with an 's' as prefix. For exemple: s1234567. During log in username and password will be confirmed by Surfconext. When you log in for the first time, several screens will appear, asking for consent or permission.
Go to: to log in

Choose Radboud University (also if you are a student from the Faculty of Medical Sciences).
When you log in for the first time, you will be asked for permission to share data between the OSIRIS database and the OSIRIS Student application. Click on "Continue to OSIRIS" to give the OSIRIS Student application access to your data in OSIRIS. Next time you log in these steps will not show up again.
Log in

To log in use your studentnumber as username, with a 's' as prefix.
Attention: In OSIRIS Application and OSIRIS Stay Abroad ( the username is without the 's' prefix!