The timetables of courses are published in My Timetable. The courses you have added to your personal schedule are also shown in OSIRIS Calander. The courses you want to add to your personal schedule, you can choose from OSIRIS. This tutorial will show you how to do this.
Go to: > Calander

Select the menu button in the upper left corner of the home page and choose 'Calendar'.

You will now see the schedule data of the current week, that you have subscribed at in the Personal Schedule. With the buttons '<' and '>' you can browse through the weeks. You can now edit the courses in your calendar. Click on the button 'MYTIMETABLE'.

Now you can now see which courses you have already added to your calander. Click on the red '+' button at the bottom right of the page to add more courses.

You will now see a screen where you can select courses. You can choose between:
- 'Courses' (single courses)
- 'Programme of study' (combinations of courses in the programme)
- 'Student set' (group courses, see description).
Select one of the options to add individual courses or combinations of courses to your calendar.

Click on the filter button to make a selection of courses you want to add to your calander.

Now choose a faculty and optional a study programme and the phase of the study programme, for example: Faculty of Arts,Arts and Culture Studies B1. Then click on the button 'RESULTS'.

Now select the courses you want to add to the calendar by selecting the checkbox of the desired courses, and then click on the button 'ADD'. At the bottom of the screen you will see a message that you have been successfully aborted. When you go back to the main menu and consult the calendar, you can see the courses you have succesfully subscribed in your calendar.

Attention: succesfully subscribing to a calender is not the same as succesfully subscribing to a course. Subscribing to the calender only adds courses to your personal timetable but does not register you for those courses! To register you have to register for the course.