
How do I consult a list of candidates for a test? (Radboudumc)

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This article shows how a teacher can make a list of candidates from a test that still has to take place. 

The search for tests and students for which no result can be entered can seem somewhat complicated in OSIRIS. The common thread in the searches is always: "What you seek is what you get". 

The standard search options are aimed at finding courses for which results can be entered. If you are looking for courses and students for which you will NOT enter a result, these standard search options must be set to "no". With this awareness the instructions below can be better understood.

Step 1: Search for future course and test

Select 'grades' in your homescreen.

Standard search option when looking for courses is: Show only tests where a grade can be registered = yes.

Change the search options: Show only tests where a grade can be registered = NO (1) and click 'SEARCH' (2)

You will then see all the tests for which you are an examiner:

  • tests for which grades have already been entered
  • tests that are planned for the future (3)

Step 2: Search for students in a future test

Once you click on the desired test, you will not immediately see the candidates for the test. The reason for this is that only students from whom grades may be entered are shown (standard search option). If you want to print a candidate list:

  1. Change the search option 'show only students for whom grades may be entered' = NO (1)
  2. Click 'SEARCH' (2)
  3. Click on 'make selection' (3), click on drop down triangle next to it and select all rows.
  4. Click on 'actions' and 'actions student'. You see a list op options. 
  5. Click on 'attendance sheet' to make an Excel list of all candidates in the test.

In the next screen you can fill out the desired title of the sheet and number of columns after the name of the student. After clicking on 'attendance sheet' an Excel file will be created. You can open this attendance sheet by clicking on left corner under your computer screen.

Further reading:

How can I see the final result of the course?

Vorige Article How do I register grades? (Radboudumc)
Volgende Article How can I update a grade I already signed? (Radboudumc)