How do I register test results in OSIRIS Teacher? (NSM)

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As a lecturer at Nijmegen School of Management, you can register results yourself via OSIRIS Teacher. This manual contains a step-by-step plan and tips to help you with this. Do you have any questions? Please contact [email protected].

Step 1: Log in and navigate in OSIRIS Teacher

  1. Go to OSIRIS Teacher and log in.
    No access? Contact [email protected].
  2. Click on the menu item Grade.
    You will see a list of your course(s) and corresponding tests for which you can register results.
    Can't find your course? Contact [email protected].
  3. Click on the test opportunity for which you want to register results.
    Make sure you select the correct academic year and opportunity.

Which tests you see under your course depends on how the tests are set up in OSIRIS. This was set up in the spring of the previous academic year. This can no longer be changed. Questions about the set up of your tests? Contact [email protected].

You can specify which course(s) and tests you see via the search selection in the left menu. For example, you can search by course code or name. In addition, only courses and test opportunities for which you can register results at this specific moment are shown by default. You can change this by setting Show only tests where a grade can be registered? to No. This is useful, for example, if you want to change a result at a later time.

Step 2: Registering results

You will see a list of all students registered for the test opportunity. You can register the results in two ways: manually or via an Excel file.

Manually register results

When dealing with a small group of students, you can choose to register the results manually. Follow the steps in this manual.

Sometimes it is useful to give all students the same result in one action. For example, when (almost) all students have met the active participation and you need to register this. Read here how to do that. Any deviations can then be adjusted per student.

Register results via an Excel file

When there is a larger group of students, it is often easier to register the results via an Excel file. Follow the steps below to do this.

  1. First download the Excel participant list (see this manual).
    Note: in case of an exam, do this on or after the exam date to make sure all students that participated are included in the list.
  2. Enter the results in the Excel participant list.
    Note: make sure you do not change the format of the Excel file. This will lead to errors when uploading. See also the box below.
  3. Upload the Excel list again (see this manual).

Do you have a file with results from e.g. Brightspace, Ans, SOWISO, Evaluation Service or from your own administration? And do you want to upload these results into OSIRIS? Then that file must be converted to the Excel participant list from OSIRIS. In OSIRIS, you can only read an Excel file of that specific format.

ICTO (TIP NSM) can support you in converting your files with results. Send an email to [email protected], and share the following:

  • The empty Excel participant file from OSIRIS (see step 1 above)
  • The test date
  • The Excel file with results. In your email, state in which column the result is located.
    • Exporting results from Brightspace (see manual below this box).
    • Exporting results from Ans: see this manual (note: choose Excel format).
    • Exporting results from SOWISO (see manual below this box).

ICTO (TIP NSM) can also support you if you have multiple test components in Brightspace that need to be combined into one partial grade (for example, different parts of a paper or portfolio).

Step 3: Electronic signing

Once you have entered or uploaded the results, the final step is to sign them electronically. This confirms your identity as a teacher. After signing electronically, the results are immediately published and visible to the student.

For electronic signing, you use a token: the tiqr app on your smartphone. Alternatively, there is the YubiKey, a USB stick that you insert into your computer.

  1. Activate your token for electronic signing, if you have not already done so. This is a one-time action. Read here how to arrange this.
  2. Click on Sign > Sign electronically at the top right of the screen. Follow the steps on your screen or see this manual for detailed instructions.


Below you will find the answer to frequently asked questions about registering results. We are working on expanding this FAQ. Ideas or additions? Or do you have any other questions? Please contact [email protected].

Do I need to round off results?

The test results you register may contain a maximum of 2 decimals. Do you have results with more than 2 decimals? Then make sure you round them off before you enter them. Use the Excel function "=ROUND(number, num_digits)".

It is often thought that the results should be rounded off to half grades. That is not necessary. The results you register are test grades and may therefore contain 2 decimals. OSIRIS calculates a final grade from the registered test grades (based on the weightings and minimum grades). Rounding off to half grades is automatically applied to this final grade, whereby a 5.5 is always rounded off to a 6.

This also applies when you only register one test grade, for example if you only have one test component in your course or if you only enter a self-calculated final grade.

Can I add students to the participant list?

If a student is not registered for a test opportunity, they will not be included in the list of participants. For written or digital exams, you as a lecturer cannot change this; strict registration deadlines apply for exams.

For other types of tests, such as a paper, you can add students. This mainly occurs for resits of papers or similar types of tests. Students are automatically registered for the first opportunities of tests.

Here you can read how to add a student manually (except for exams). When you register results via an Excel file, you can add the students to the list in the Excel file. When uploading the file, OSIRIS will give you a warning about this. Click on Ignore warning.

How can I change a result that has already been signed?

Sometimes it is necessary to change a result that has already been published and signed. For example, if the student's exam grade changes after the perusal. You can change this yourself as a teacher up to 15 days after signing the results.

Follow this manual for this. Please note that you must sign the changed results electronically again.

How can I find and export registered test results and final results?

After you have registered and signed all test results, OSIRIS calculates a final grade. You can always retrieve or export the registered test results and the final grades calculated by OSIRIS.

Do you want to view your registered test results? Then follow this manual (manual in English will follow). You can also export these results to Excel. Select the students with the Make selection button, then Select all rows. Click on the Actions button in the result entry screen. Here you can choose the option Create file.

Do you want to view and export the final results of a course? Then follow this manual (manual in English will follow). Under the three dots (to which this manual refers) there are also other exports available. Feel free to try out what these have to offer you.

Vorige Article Hoe voer ik toetsresultaten in in OSIRIS Docent? (FdM)
Volgende Article Hoe activeer ik mijn token voor elektronisch ondertekenen? (FdM)