
Internship assessment: How do I approve the final grade (Examiner)

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This instruction is written specifically for the examiner responsible for determining the final grade of an Internship thesis.

Log into OSIRIS Teacher

Go to https://osirus.ru.nl/docent , choose the proper environment and log in with your Z-number and password

Select your OSIRIS Case activity

Select Internship assessment

Select the student that needs Grade approval

Select the proper Case form

Select the Grade approval form at the top of the Caseforms

Fill in the form

  1. Check the final result as proposed by the backoffice staff (based on Excel calculations of results given by first and second assessors)
  2. Fill in your the final result
  3. Make optional remarks (for instance, if you decide against the proposed final result, with an explanation)
  4. Click on Save

Mark the form as 'Completed'

Click on the Completed button to finish your Casetask

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