
Frequently asked questions Osiris Teacher (Osiris Docent) - Faculty of Arts

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Below you will find a collection of the most frequently asked questions about Osiris Docent.

If you have any further questions, or are you unable to solve it yourself? Please contact one of the Osiris specialists at the Faculty of Arts:
- Maarten Stam (Lokaal functioneel beheer Osiris), of
- Wies de Beijer (Key user Osiris)

We are happy to give an instruction on how to use Osiris Teacher (Osiris Docent) !

We can be reached by e-mail: [email protected] or by phone: 16225

Link to general instructions Osiris Teacher: https://teacher.tutorials.ru.nl/

Your course

I don't have access to Osiris Docent, what can I do?
  • Use the correct web link: https://osiris.ru.nl/docent
  • If you receive the message "You are not affiliated with a faculty. Please contact the administration", then you are most likely a new lecturer at the Faculty of Arts. Ask your departmental secretary to send an authorisation request to the Osiris Team of the Faculty of Arts by e-mail: [email protected]. The Osiris Team will see your authorisation gets through. 
Why can't I see my course?

It is possible that the search query on the left of the screen is too specific.

  • Therefore make sure to use the selection 'Basisselectie Letteren (Faculty)' in the left menu underneath the green button 'Search'. Also check whether the academic year is correct. 

In addition, it is possible that you are not registered as a teacher for this course in Osiris. Please contact the Education Administration Office at [email protected] and ask if they would like to add you as a teacher.

How can I generate an Attendance Sheet or List of Passport Photos?

Select the students with the button 'Make selection', then 'Select all rows'. Then click on the 'Actions' button: Here you can choose the option 'Actions student'. You will then be given the choice of:

- Send e-mail

- List of Passport Photos

- Attendance Sheet

How can I create a list of participants of my own working group?
  • In the results input screen it is possible to select the students of your working group. Enter the value GRP in the selection filter 'Instructional mode' and enter the number of your working group in the 'Instructional mode group' filter.
  • Then click on "SEARCH". The working group number corresponds to the group in Brightspace. If you are unsure, the education administration can tell you which group belongs to you.
Can I still change the assessment structure of my course?

After publication of the study guide and OER, it is no longer possible to change the assessment structure of your course. For example, the type of test or the underlying weighting of the partial tests.

However, you can submit a request at the Exam Office of our faculty to change the testing structure. This is only possible if the first test moment of the course did not take place jet.

Can I add students to my course test myself?

This is no longer possible. Students must register themselves for the test in Osiris Student no later than 5 working days prior to the test date. If a student has not done this, he or she cannot take part in the test. This rule applies to written and digital exams and resits for which a room with a superintendant must be reserved.

For other forms of testing such as a portfolio, essay, paper or take-home exam with a submission deadline, students must register for the exam themselves, but there is no registration deadline of 5 working days. The student must register for such a test method themselves because this is necessary to be able to enter a grade in Osiris as a teacher. Students are explicitly pointed to this. If a student has forgotten to register for these assessment forms, the student can go to the Faculty of Arts STIP desk. The desk employee will then register the student after consultation.

Processing test results

What grades and other ratings can I enter as a result?

A 'Grading scale' has been attached to each test, which determines which results you can enter. You can consult the options by clicking on the magnifying glass icon behind the result field.

Grading scale:
Commonly, the test will have one of the following Grading scales
- Toetsresultaten: for grades from 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 etc. through 10.0
- Toetsresultaten alfanumeriek: NA (not accomplished), ONV (failed), P (passed), SU (sufficient), NS (no show)
- Pass-fail: options are NA, P, NS

Final grade:
Osiris takes into account the weighting specified for the tests and the minimum grade requirement per test (= minimum grade that does not have to be redone and may therefore count in the final grade).

The final grade is rounded off in accordance with the calculation rules issued for this by the Executive Board. Final grades of examination components are expressed in whole or half marks, with 6.0 being the lowest pass.

The following rounding rules apply (Education and Examination Regulations (EER/OER), Article 4.2):
* Up to .25 is rounded down to .0
* From .25 to .75 is rounded to .5 (exception: a score of 5.5 and greater is rounded to 6.0)
* From .75 rounds up to .0

The final grade is called in OSIRIS: 'geldend resultaat' = the result for which a student credits

What do I have to enter if a student has not taken the exam?
  • The Executive Board (CvB) has determined that students who are registered as test participants but who are not have participated in the exam as a result of which they must receive an NS (no-show; ND in Dutch).
  • This ensures that students in OSIRIS Student automatically receive a second opportunity to register.
Should I choose the option 'sign electronically' or 'sign manually'?

At the moment there are two ways to sign and send the list of marks you have entered. Electronic signing is preferred!

Electronic signing :
- To be able to do this, you must first be authorized once by the Osiris Team. Send a request to [email protected]. To do this, you have to install the TIQR authentication app on your phone.

- After entering the results, you can choose the Electronic signature option. You can immediately determine these results with the help of the TIQR app. This is based on the principle of two-factor authentication. The results are then immediately visible to the student.

Signing manually :
- When choosing this option 'Sign manually' the entered results will be forwarded to the education administration. The grades are not yet visible to the student at this time.

- Therefore you need to manually sign the generated list of marks (PDF) and submit it to the education administration.

- As soon as the educational administration has processed these results (status "final" and "determined"), the student will be able to see his/her result.

How do I enter thesis grades?

When entering a thesis grade, the thesis title must also be specified.

  • Select the relevant course and test on the 'Result' tab. Here you see the list of students for which a result can be entered.
  • Click on 'Show details' to show the 'Subject' input field below each result.
  • Enter the thesis title in the 'Subject' field (in both the Dutch and English fields).
  • Then click on 'Save'.
How do I enter a grade for an internship?

Since 1st November 2021, the way to assess internships has changed considerably. You now have to use Osiris Case to upload the assessment files and enter the final grade. Instructions can be found here: https://osiris.tutorials.ru.nl/m/LETTEREN/l/1462059-internship-grading-an-internship-within-osiris-case-osiris-zaak

How can I enter a test date/result at once for an entire group?

• Use the 'Make selection' button to select all students for whom you want to enter a result. If you enter the test date there, Osiris will copy this test date to all selected students.

• With this function a certain result can also be assigned to a group in one go. For example, you can enter a 'V' at 'Result' and then all selected students will receive a V.

I am late entering my results. What should I do now?
  • In the Education and Examination Regulations (EER/OER) a maximum review period of 15 working days is imposed. In period 4, a shorter amount of 5 working days applies to first-year courses. This is due to the Binding Study Advice (BSA).
  • You have access to the test in Osiris Docent for up to 40 days after the exam date. If you want to enter results after these 40 days, you should contact the Education Administration or the Osiris Team.
What should I do if I want to assign a new correction result to a student after inspection?
  • You have up to 15 working days - after entering and publishing the original figure - to provide a 'correction result'. You do this via the 'Correct result' button which can be found under the three black dots at the end of the result row.
  • After this period of 15 working days, you should contact the Education Administration.
How do I deal with exemptions for partial tests and/or courses?

Exemptions are always formally granted and introduced by the Examination Board. As a rule, the board does this after having obtained advice from the relevant study programme.

Can I access my students' final grades?

You can run several reports on your course.

Please click on the three black dots next to the course (on the first screen, i.e. not in the result entry screen). You can find a selection of reports including "Print final grades per course". You will then see the final grades.

How can I export a list of results to Excel?

Please select students using the 'Make selection' button, then 'Select all rows'. Click on the 'Actions' button to choose the 'Print grade list' option here.

Vorige Article Veelgestelde vragen Osiris Docent - Faculteit der Letteren
Volgende Article [Internship] - Second approval OSIRIS Case (OSIRIS Zaak)