
How can I see the final result of a course? (Radboudumc)

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This article shows how a teacher can view the final results of a course after the grades of the partial tests are processed. This method is also suitable to view already processed results of partial tests.

The search for tests and students for which no result can be entered can seem somewhat complicated in OSIRIS. The common thread in the searches is always: "What you seek is what you get". 

The standard search options are aimed at finding courses for which results can be entered. If you are looking for courses and students for which you will NOT enter a result, these standard search options must be set to "no". With this awareness the instructions below can be better understood.

Step 1: Search for course

Select 'grades' in your homescreen.

Standard search option when looking for courses is: Show only tests where a grade can be registered = yes.

  1. Change the search options: Show only tests where a grade can be registered = NO (1) 
  2. Click 'SEARCH' (2)
  3. It is also possible to select your course code too (3).

Depending on your search (with or without option 3), you see all courses from which you are the examiner, or only the course code.

Step 2: Print final grades per course or print test grade per course

After choosing your course, click on the thee dots (1) and choose one of the options that appear.

The option 'Print final grades per course' (2) will result in a pdf with the final grades for each student in the course.

If you want to view the grades of a partial test, choose 'print test grade per course' (3).

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