
Internship assessment: assesment  INTERNAL first assessor

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This instruction is written for 'internal assessors' of internships.

'Internal assessors' hold PhD and are employed by Radboudumc'.

Log in and access the Case that requires your assessment

Log in via https://osiris.ru.nl/docent and click on Internship Assessment in your Caseload

Select the student file that requires assessment

Click on the line that mentions the name and studentnumber of the student that requires assessment of performance and thesis

Beware: FIRST assessors see the Task 'Assessment of performance and thesis', SECOND assessors see the Task 'Assessment of internship thesis' (see instruction for SECOND assessors)

Review the uploaded thesis assignment and upload your grade report

  1. Open the uploaded thesis assignment/report for review
  2. Then open the assessment page

Open the assessment page

  1. Under Details you will find name and country of the host institution, the name of the supervisor and the start date of the internship
  2. Under Uploads you will find the final thesis report that the student has uploaded, as well as the Internship title
  3. Click on Next to enter the page where you can upload your assessment forms

Upload the proper assessment forms and register two grades

Make sure you choose the proper form (as each type of internship requires it's own type of assessment).

  1. Select the proper assessment forms
  2. Fill them in and upload them here
  3. Register a Performance grade and a Report grade
  4. Add Remarks to provide useful narrative feedback to the student. Once the assessment procedure has been completed, these forms will be made available to the student.
  5. Click on Save to submit your assessment

Click on completed to end your task

Vorige Article Stagebeoordeling Backoffice: check op compleetheid documenten; plagiaatcontrole; koppelen beoordelaars
Volgende Article Internship assessment: assessment EXTERNAL first assessor