This instruction is written for 'second assessors' of internships.
'Second assessors' are employed by Radboudumc.
Access the Case that requires your assessment
Log in via and click on Internship Assessment in your Caseload

Select the student file that requires assessment

Click on the line that mentions the name and studentnumber of the student that requires assessment of an internship thesis
Report assessment

- Open Assessment of internship thesis

- Here you will find a link to the page where you can upload the Assessment form specific for the internship of this student. Fill out the form and save your document.
- Upload your saved document.
- Record your report grade.
- Add Remarks to provide useful narrative feedback to the student. At the end of the assessment procedure, the assessment forms will made available to the student.
- And Save your report assessment.
Make sure you choose the proper form (as each type of internship requires it's own type of assessment).
Open the assessment page - details

- Under Details you will find name and country of the host institutions, the name of the supervisor and the start date of the internship.
- Under Uploads you will find the final thesis report that the student has uploaded, as well as the Internship title.
- Click on Back to finalise your grading.