
Editing and approving course information in OSIRIS Cursusinvoer (NSM)

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This document serves as a guide for completing/updating the course information for courses in 2025-2026. You can do this via OSIRIS Cursusinvoer (OSIRIS Catalogue). Do you have questions or comments? Please contact [email protected].

General considerations

  • Unnecessary details: Once the course information in Osiris has been approved and set, it is not possible to deviate from the course aims, instructional modes and tests as set in Osiris. It is therefore important that the information in Osiris isn't unnecessarily detailed.
    • It is mandatory to include the instructional modes applied in a course, for example: lectures and working groups. However, it is not desirable to specify the number of meetings in Osiris. If you wish, you can specify the number of sessions in the course manual. For tests, it is sufficient to include the test format(s) per course, e.g. written examination and paper. It is not desirable to specify the number and type of exam questions and/or assignments (e.g. written exam consisting of 4 essay questions and 10 multiple choice questions).
  • Copy: The information displayed in OSIRIS is a copy of the course information of the current academic year (2024-2025).
  • Language: Avoid any ambiguity about the language in which a course is provided. Enter the information in the language of the course (English or Dutch). Use the “Standard” text fields. You do not have to enter information in the English text fields.
  • Exchange students: It is important to provide exchange students with sufficient information, as they base their selection of courses entirely on the information that is available through OSIRIS. This is especially important for bachelor courses that are taught in English. Is there, for example, any prior knowledge in a specific academic discipline required for following your course? Please mention this in OSIRIS. This will prevent unnecessary enrolments and transfers to other courses.
  • Exam structure: The exam structure (different partial exams and their weighting and requirements) is part of the course information. After publishing the EER, the exam structure of a course is fixed and changes are no longer possible. If your exam structure is set up well, and it remains unchanged, it is possible to automatically combine partial grades from previous years with partial grades from the current year. This might save you time. So, a well set-up exam structure is useful, but can also be complex. Feel free to contact us if you need help with this.

Input of course information | in a nutshell

  1. Log in via OSIRIS Cursusinvoer. You will see your course(s). Double click on your course to open it.
  2. Enter or update the information at Instructional modes, Tests, and Descriptive fields (see highlighted parts below). At the more detailed information below, you can find more information on how to do this and which information should be entered where.
  3. At Lecturers you could add or delete lecturers in your course. This can also be adjusted at a later time (upon request). Is there a change in the course coordinator? Please inform us about that.
  4. At Materials and costs you do not need to enter any information.
  5. Ready? Click on Approve current step (see arrow below). Please note that after this you cannot do changes anymore.

In the section Tests, the test type indicates, in the case of an exam, how it will be administered: on paper or digitally. Whether you wish to administer your exam on paper or digitally next year, will be requested separately from you by the Education Centre. You can already adjust this in Osiris (also see the more detailed explanation below). Please note that a new digital exam or a switch to a digital exam is subject to available capacity.

Input of course information | in more detail

Instructional modes

Enter the instructional modes that will be used in the course here.  

For example: lecture, working group and/or tutorial.


Do you have an excursion or study trip in your course? Then add this as the instructional mode EXCURSIE. Set up whether attendance is compulsory, to indicate whether it is a curricular or extra-curricular activity.

Go to Instructional modes > Details

> change the instructional mode (if necessary) via the button Change, or

> add an instructional mode via the button Add instructional mode and fill in the information.

In any case, enter the instructional mode, description and compulsory attendance. Entering the instructional mode type and the different type of explanations is optional.


Enter the tests in the course here: number and type of partial exams, their weighting and requirements.

For example: written exam (50%), paper (40%) and presentation (10%).

Make sure that the type of partial exams (test types) correspond to one of the examination formats listed below from the EER.

  • written exam:
    • on paper: select SCHRIFT
    • digitally: select DIGI-ANS or DIGI-SOWISO
  • take-home exam: select TAKEHOME
  • oral exam: select MOND
  • paper: select e.g. WERK, PAPER, or ESSAY
  • presentation: select PRES
  • skills test: select VAARD
  • (active) participation: select DEELNAME


!! Please check the examination formats carefully, as it is not permitted to deviate from these formats once they are published in the EER and OSIRIS.

Please describe the exam structure in the course manual as well, and explain how the final grade will be determined. Always mention whether students are allowed to resit partial exams and which minimum grades apply (as this information is not visible to students in the Course Catalogue).

Final grade
If you only register a final grade in OSIRIS, then register only one exam and delete all other exams. Information about partial exams must be manually included in the descriptive fields (see section Descriptive fields below in this table).

Go to Tests > Details

> change a test (if necessary) via the button Change, or

> add a test via the button Add test 
> choose TOETS-01/02/03 etc. 
> choose the right Test type (see explanation on the left) 
> set up the Description, Weighting, Credits, Minimum grade
> click on Continue
> choose DECIMALEN at grading scale for test grades
> choose the blocks in which the 1st/2nd opportunities take place
> Ready.

Entering the different type of explanations is optional.

!! Please note that if you make changes to the (partial) exams, it might not be possible anymore to let OSIRIS automatically combine results from previous years with results from the current year. If you need advice about this, please contact [email protected].



Final grade
Go to Tests > Details > register one test and change the description to “Final grade” or “Eindcijfer”.

Enter the details about partial exams in the descriptive field Test information.

Descriptive fields


Enter a description of the course goals here. Make sure your course goals are formulated in a measurable way. Use the formulation below:

At the end of this course, the student will be able to… / Aan het einde van de cursus is de student in staat om…

In most cases, this field is already filled in. Check whether this information is still up to date. Make sure that any changes are aligned within the programme(s).

Do you need support in formulating your course goals (measurable)? Then contact [email protected].

Go to Descriptive fields > Details > Aims / Content / Test information / Presumed foreknowledge / Entry requirements / Level / Specifics

> change the text (if necessary) via the button Change, or

> add the field via the button Add descriptive field and enter the text.


Enter the information in the Standard text fields in the language of the course. The English text fields do not need to be filled in, they aren't in use anymore since 2024-2025.






Enter a description of the course content here.

In most cases, this field is already filled in. Check whether this information is still up to date.

Test information

Preferably, all partial tests are entered separately in the course (see section Tests above). Do you only enter the final grade? Then you must manually enter the information about the different partial exams in this descriptive field Test information. Mention the test types, weighting and any minimum grades.

In addition, please include the following information in the field Test information (if applicable):

  • Entry requirements exams
    When a student must pass element A in order to participate in element B within a course, we call this an entry requirement for an exam. For example: a student must meet the compulsory attendance in order to be allowed to take the exam. Does your course have an entry requirement on an exam? Please mention this in the descriptive field Test information.

    When a student must meet compulsory attendance/complete an assignment/etc. in order to successfully complete the course, this is nót an entry requirement on an exam. In such a case, this is a partial exam that must be completed with a pass. If so, then add this partial exam as a separate test (see section Tests), or mention it as such in the descriptive field Test information.
  • Validity of partial results
    According to the EER, results of partial exams from previous years are not valid. You can deviate from this, provided it is stated in the Course Catalogue.

    Are partial results from previous years valid? Please mention this in the descriptive field Test information. Use one of the following formulations: 
    Partial grades from previous years [remain valid/do not remain valid].
    Only the partial grade(s) from [partial exam(s) X, Y and/or Z] from previous years [remain valid/do not remain valid].
  • Non-numerical grading
    According to the EER, final grades are determined in full or half points. If you deviate from this, by using non-numerical grades (e.g. pass/fail), please mention this in the descriptive field Test information.

Presumed foreknowledge (Optional)

Enter presumed foreknowledge here, if applicable. This concerns recommended courses or knowledge that a student should possess. This does not concern formal requirements.

For example: basic knowledge of mathematics.


Entry requirements (Optional)

Enter formal entry requirements here. This concerns formal requirements that should be met before a student can participate in a course. Is there a limited number of places available in the course? Please mention this here as well.

For example: a student needs to have obtained 90 EC before they can register for the bachelor thesis.

Besides a description of the entry requirements, entry requirements can also be formally set up so that they are checked upon a student’s registration. You cannot set this up yourself. Please contact [email protected] for this.

Level and Specifics (Optional)

The fields Level and Specifics can be used to provide students with additional relevant information. It is not mandatory to fill in these fields.

Vorige Article Cursusinformatie bijwerken en goedkeuren in OSIRIS Cursusinvoer (FdM)
Volgende Article Hoe log ik in en uit bij OSIRIS Docent? (Radboudumc)